Workshops, Lectures, and Demos

I'm excited to work with your guild! I offer a variety of workshops and lectures, and I'm open to creating something that's tailored to your group. Check out workshop and lecture details for contract terms, fees, and my contact information.

Sewing Workshops (full-day unless otherwise specified)


Giant Nested Curves

Combine a variety of precise curves with improv piecing in this day long workshop. With the help of two different kinds of template sets, participants will create their own, unique, improv masterpiece. We'll discuss various options for piecing the improv slabs, as well as tips for using large and small acrylic or paper templates to create the curves.


Many Nested Curves

The Many Nested Curves workshop covers two separate topics: how to make a Many Nested Curves block AND how to use the templates to make quarter circle squares in a variety of sizes. This workshop is perfect for improving precision curved piecing skills!


Improv Curved Piecing: Pebble Pop

Learn the basics of improvised curves with Pebble Pop, a flexible, fat quarter friendly pattern. We'll talk about contrast in colors and patterns, and you'll learn tips for sewing improv blocks that finish within a consistent size. We'll troubleshoot puckers, and we'll put your off-cuts to use to minimize waste. Grab that favorite stack of fat quarters you've been waiting to cut into or pick out some yardage and let's build some pebbles!


Hand sewed flat felled seam for quilting patchwork

Hand Sewing a Flat-Felled Seam (Demo, 1-2 hours)

This patchwork technique is based on traditional Korean bojagi. When fabric is joined in a flat felled seam, the result is a double-sided work of art that can be quilted, hung in windows as curtains, or used in the traditional way as a wrapping cloth around gifts. The large stitches allow opportunities for pops of color and added texture along the basic straight seam. The class includes tips for working with a variety of threads and substrates, as well as binding and finishing your work.


Hand sewed flat felled seam with quarter circle curve patchwork bojagi
Hand Sewing a Flat-Felled Seam with Curves (Half-day, 3 hours)

The first part of this class focuses on the straight seam inspired by traditional Korean bojagi. During the second part of the class, we’ll revist the mechanics of the seam and discuss how that applies to the use of a templated curve. Optional class kit includes tools for curved piecing and hand sewing. 

Lanterne Rouge curved quilt pattern
Basic Curves: Traditional and Curvy

This workshop offers an easy introduction to curved piecing. Each participant chooses a traditional block and sketches out a new block that substitutes quarter circle squares for half square triangles. We'll talk about design principles, quilt math, and explore secondary patterns. The class will cover strategies for selecting fabric, instructions for sewing curves with three different basting methods, and many tips for cutting and pressing that help your curves look amazing. Optional class kit includes tools for curved piecing.  (Traditional quilt block pictured is Squash Blossom block in the Lanterne Rouge Quilt).


Spinoff Quilt Pattern curves quarter circle square drunkards path

Basic Curves: Spinoff 

The Spinoff Quilt is perfect for quilters new to piecing with curves. The class includes the basics of sewing a precise quarter circle square, and we’ll talk about how to achieve an accurate circle for the center of the quilt design. The class will cover strategies for selecting fabric, tips and tricks for curved piecing, and alternate arrangements to create a different effects. Spinoff finishes at 45” square. Class fee includes printed pattern. Optional class kit includes tools for curved piecing. 

Quilt Modern Curves and Bold Stripes! 

Create your next quilt by combining precise strip piecing with elegant curves! The class structure includes general lessons, so each participant can choose any of my designs from the book, Quilt Modern Curves and Bold Stripes.*

*Purchase of the book - either digital or hard copy - is required for this workshop. 

Curved Strip Sets (Swoopies)

Combine a variety of precise curves with improv piecing in this 5 hour workshop. Participants will use curved templates to make their own unique, improv masterpiece. We'll discuss various options for piecing the improv slabs, as well as tips for using large and small acrylic templates to create the curves. 


Technology and Quilting Workshops

Touchdraw for iPad Quilt Design Modern quilting

Touchdraw as a Quilt Design Sketchbook (iPad only)

Touchdraw is an affordable, one-time purchase that can transform your iPad into a powerful sketchbook. Learn the basic tools to draw your quilt design and experiment with multiple arrangements and color palettes. Create quilt blocks and learn to repeat, rotate, and color them, or skip the traditional grid and play with shapes improvisationally. Learn how to import photos for tracing or to sample colors to create a color palette from an image. We’ll also cover estimating yardage for your project. Export your design to a jpg for reference while you make your quilt, or use the image to pitch your design to publishers.

Illustrator for Quilt DesignUse Adobe Illustrator to Design and Plan Your Quilts* 

Learn various techniques for creating and repeating quilt blocks. Easily adjust quilt colors throughout your quilt design with just a few steps. Test multiple quilting motifs and thread colors to decide what will work best for your quilt before you start sewing. Estimate yardage and create a cutting diagram for your project. This class is structured for beginners who have never used Illustrator, and the class will be taught using Illustrator for Macs.


Illustrator for paper piecing quilt designsAdobe Illustrator & InDesign to Create Paper Piecing Patterns

In the first half of this class, we use Illustrator to create machine paper piecing patterns and add labels, registration marks, and seam allowances. In the afternoon we’ll finish our pattern components and assemble everything in InDesign. We’ll discuss options for printing and creating downloadable PDFs. You will leave this class with a helpful step-by-step document and digital example files for future reference. Students new to Adobe programs will be encouraged to follow the class example, and those familiar with the programs may use their own design with approval of the instructor. Taught using Illustrator and InDesign for Macs.



Coffee Klatch: 45-60 minutes

Ever wonder where my quilt design ideas come from? Want to hear about my most disappointing quilt? Which quilting shortcuts I take and which tasks I'm painfully particular about? What's my favorite batting? Or maybe you're curious about my move from the US to Norway? Put the kettle on or pour a glass of wine as we settle in for a good, long chat.

How does it work? Your guild sends questions that I'll answer live during a Zoom session at your next guild meeting. Once the advance questions are answered, I'll answer questions from the real-time comments in the chat feature. Whether you're still self-isolating at home or meeting together with me on a projector, you'll have full access to me and my quilt stories, as well as a few pictures that I'll share as I answer questions.


How Materials Influence Design (Lecture): 60-80 minutes

Part trunk show, part slide show, and part story hour, this lecture contains my life history for the past decade and a half in quilting. I share details on my design inspiration, a walk-through of my digital design process, and describe the how and why of the most important moments in my quilt career - good and bad. You'll also get sneak peeks at current projects that I'm not posting on social media. It's a fun hour full of stories and colorful quilts.


Anatomy of a Curve (Lecture): 60-80 minutes 

Quilt designs with curves draw me in every single time. Whether big or small, improvised or precise, drunkard's path or quarter circle square, I love analyzing what makes a curve work in a design. And I absolutely sewing them. During our time together, you'll see how understanding the geometry in a curve will help sew curves of all kinds. The lecture is part inspiration, part demo, and the tiniest part high school geometry. By the end, you'll be ready to sit down at your sewing machine and give curves a try!


Making Quilts with a Laser Cutter (Lecture): 50-70 minutes 

This lecture covers my journey from ordering my own custom templates to cutting them myself on a rented machine and eventually to owning my own laser cutter. Now, I use my laser cutter as much for making quilts as I do for producing templates. You'll get tips for where you can go and what you'll need as you progress on your own laser cutting journey.

More information on booking and pricing can be found here.