
New in Norway

Posted by Daisy Aschehoug on

I've been in Norway for over a year now, so to say I'm "new in Norway" is a little misleading.  And yet, as we plan to live out our lives here, each day continues to be full of adventure and possibilities. Each day still feels quite new.

I'm Daisy Aschehoug.  My family and I moved to Norway in July of 2017. The details of our story can emerge slowly on this blog, but the main reasons for the move related to work and family and escaping the hot, humid climate of the southern United States. 

As my final bit of this first introduction, I want to explain what I love most about my new home. Whether you call it "hygge" or "koselig" or "cozy/secure/safe/happy/comfortable," there is a pursuit of something good here that resonates with me. My mission is to integrate my love for quilting with this place.

To that end, I give lectures about quilting. I teach quilting. I design quilts and write patterns for quilt magazines. I curl up with quilts on the couch and tuck quilts around my children at night while they are sleeping. We eat off of quilted placemats and use hand sewn napkins.  We live quilted lives, and I'm happy to start sharing some of that with you here.  Thank you for joining me!

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